Constitution of the Engineers Club of Columbus


ARTICLE I (Name and Object)

Section 1.
The name of this club shall be THE ENGINEERS CLUB OF COLUMBUS herein after known as "Club".

Section 2.
The object of this Club shall be the advancement of engineering knowledge and practice, the fostering and expression of interest in civic activities, charitable causes, professional improvement of its members, and the encouragement of social interaction.

ARTICLE II (Membership)

Section 1.
The membership of this Club shall be divided into five classes: active, associate, senior, life and honorary. Only active members and those honorary, senior and life members who were active members shall be entitled to vote or hold office.

Section 2.
Active members of this Club shall include only Professional Engineers registered with the State of Ohio Board of Registration. Active members of this Club prior to passage of this amendment shall be grandfathered the rights of active membership.

Section 3.
Associate members shall include persons associated with the profession of Engineering.

Section 4.
Senior membership shall include persons who shall have reached the age of sixty-five (65) years, who shall have been members for no less than twenty (20) years, and who have retired or semi-retired from active employment. Senior membership may be granted to persons making formal application, certifying compliance with all requirements, after verification by the Secretary of the Club, by a majority vote of the Board of Trustees. Senior members shall retain all rights and privileges of their membership before retirement.

Section 5.
Life membership shall include persons who shall have reached the age of sixty-five (65) years, who shall have been members for no less than thirty (30) years, and who have retired or semi-retired from active employment. Life membership may be granted to persons making formal application, certifying compliance with all requirements after verification by the Secretary of the Club, by a majority vote of the Board of Trustees. Life members shall retain all the rights and privileges of their membership before retirement.

Section 6.
Honorary members shall include persons of preeminence in engineering or the related sciences, or persons who have performed notable service for the good of the Club or profession. Honorary members shall be nominated in writing by an active member of the Club and elected by the vote of the members of the Club after approval by the Board of Trustees in the manner provided in Section 9 and 10 for applications for other classes of membership.

Section 7.
All applications for active and associate membership shall be made in writing on forms furnished by the Club and endorsed by two active members to whom the candidate must be known personally. The application must include a statement of the qualifications of the applicant and pledge that if elected he or she will conform with the requirements of membership. Dues for the current year must accompany applications.

Section 8.
Active and Associate membership shall be granted to persons making formal application once the Secretary of the Club has certified compliance with all requirements for membership.

Section 9.
The annual dues shall be established by the Board of Trustees. Honorary and life members shall not be required to pay dues. Dues are payable upon receipt of the annual statement, and shall be considered delinquent after the first scheduled meeting in the Fall. New members admitted after the January meeting shall be required to pay only one half dues for the current year. Any member may be excused from payment of dues for a specific period by a majority vote of the Board of Trustees.

Section 10.
Between the lst and the 20th of October, the Secretary shall notify each member who has not paid his dues for the current year, July 1 to June 30, that unless same are paid on or before November 1, his or her membership will terminate and his or her name will be dropped from the official roll. Membership so forfeited may be renewable at the discretion of the Secretary confirmation subject to the President.

Section 11.
In case the continuation of any member becomes for any reason undesirable, the Board of Trustees may, after giving such member a hearing, or opportunity for such a hearing, cause notice to be mailed to the membership with, the notice of the next regular meeting that a vote will be taken at such meeting on the question of termination of the membership of such member. The reasons for such action by the Board and any statement submitted by such member shall be presented at the meeting after which a vote shall be taken by ballot. If two-thirds or more of the members present vote for termination of the membership of such member, the name shall be removed from the rolls of the Club and the membership shall be terminated forthwith.

ARTICLE III (Officers)

Section 1.
The officers of this Club shall consist of a President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and four Trustees. The immediate past president shall serve for one year as an ex-officio member of the Board of Trustees. The duties of these officers shall be such as usually pertain to such offices and as otherwise herein stated.

Section 2.
The Vice-President shall be elected for a. term of one year. The incumbent Vice-President shall serve the succeeding year as President. The Trustees shall be elected for two years, two being elected each year; the Secretary and Treasurer shall be elected for two years, elections of same shall be in alternated years, beginning with the Treasurer in 1999.

Section 3.
The officers, trustees, and past president shall constitute the Board of Trustees, which shall have the general management of the affairs of the Club, and power to fill all vacancies occurring in its membership until the next annual meeting. The Board shall adopt bylaws as necessary to run the general management of the Club.

Section 4.
The Treasurer shall furnish a Surety Bond, acceptable to the Board of Trustees, which shall be paid for by the Club.

Section 5.
The Treasurer and Secretary shall receive a Salary to be fixed by the Board of Trustees.

Section 6.
The nominating committee shall consist of the five preceding past presidents, with the immediate past president of the previous year acting as chairman. In the event any of the five immediate past presidents are not able or willing to serve, the President shall appoint active members of the Club to maintain a committee of five. This committee shall nominate at least two members for the offices of Vice President, each of the Trustees, and Secretary, and Treasurer as required herein. The incumbent Vice President shall automatically become the President. Such nominations shall be reported to the Secretary on or before March 1. At least two weeks before the regular meeting in April, the Secretary shall prepare ballots containing such nominations and mail one to each member eligible to vote. These ballots shall be properly marked and delivered to the Secretary at or before the regular meeting in April, at which time the ballots shall be counted and reported by tellers appointed by the chair. The officers so elected shall be installed at the Annual Meeting.

ARTICLE IV (Meetings of the Club - Quorum)

Section 1.
A schedule of meetings for the ensuing year shall be developed by the Board of Trustees as soon as possible after the annual meeting, and this schedule mailed to the membership.

Section 2.
Special meetings may be called by the President, and shall be called upon written request of ten members eligible to vote.

Section 3.
The annual meeting shall be the last scheduled meeting in May or June. At this meeting the retiring officers shall make their reports, and the new officers shall be installed.

Section 4.
Thirty members eligible to vote shall constitute a quorum at all regular or special meetings of the Club.

Section 5.
Four members of the Board of Trustees, one of whom must be the President or Vice President, shall constitute a quorum at meetings of the Board. The Board shall meet at least four times annually. Business may be conducted by electronic means.


Section 1.
Amendments to this Constitution may be submitted in writing at any regular meeting, either by the Board of Trustees or by petition of 25% of the members eligible to vote. The Secretary shall mail a copy of the amendments so proposed and a ballot to each member eligible to vote. The ballots shall be tabulated at the next regular meeting not sooner than two weeks after the ballots were mailed. If two-thirds of the members so voting favor a proposed amendment, the same shall be declared carried and be in effect forthwith.

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